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Dental Crown Dentist in Novi – Improve your dental health with dental crowns & caps

Improve your dental health with crowns & caps

When you look in the mirror and smile, what do you see? If you don’t see a healthy set of teeth or if you see damaged teeth, it may be time to call a dental cap dentist in Novi, Michigan, or a dental crown dentist in Novi, Michigan, such as the dental experts at Novi Family Dentistry.

Dental crowns and caps are often recommended for people who have a decayed tooth with very little material left or who have a chipped or fractured tooth. Other times when a cap or crown may help is when the patient doesn’t want to have the damaged tooth extracted. The cap or crown can simply cover the affected area.

Crowns and caps are made of strong material to cover damaged teeth. Many can be made in similar tooth colorings so they blend in with your natural teeth. Porcelain, porcelain infused with metal, and gold are all materials that are used to make caps and crowns.

Dental crowns and caps not only work to cover damaged teeth, but can protect surrounding healthy teeth as well. When a damaged tooth is not taken care of, it can lead to other oral problems including damage to nearby teeth that were otherwise healthy.

If you need to speak with a dental crown dentist in Novi, Michigan, Dr. Abir Faraj, at Novi Family Dentistry can answer all of your questions. She can use her expertise to educate you on whether you are a good candidate for a cap or crown or if you should consider something else.

Contact Us!

For more information about dental caps and crowns and other dental services call us at 248-946-8611 or request an appointment online. When you are looking for a dental cap dentist in Novi, MI, look no further than Novi Family Dentistry. We look forward to meeting you soon!

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