Everything You Need to Know About Dental Implants
You may have heard the terms crown and implant before. Perhaps a dentist in the past has suggested them to you or you’ve seen commercials lauding them as a step up from dentures and one of the best ways to tackle a gap from a removed tooth. And that’s incredibly true. As the best dentist in Novi, MI we pride ourselves on our excellent implant and crown procedure as a way to permanently give you back your smile after a dental procedure to remove a problem tooth.
When Do You Need an Implant?
Sometimes teeth have to go. It’s just a fact of age that teeth get damaged, they could get infected, or any sort of trauma can knock them out. When that happens, you’re left with a gap in your teeth that was once filled by a natural tooth, so you’ll want something to replace it that can mimic the look of a real tooth and be just as trustworthy when put to use.
How Does it Work
There are two parts to a dental implant procedure. First, there is the implant itself which will serve as an inorganic root in place of the one that was removed. It looks something like a small black screw. On top of this implant will be fixed a crown. The crown serves as a cap to protect the new root and any residual damage left with a partial tooth. Further it also fills the gap left by the removal of the previous tooth.
Further Options
For someone who needs dentures, a crown bridge might be an option. It’s just like a crown except it covers a wider range of area (hence the “bridge”) and fills in permanently for teeth instead of you needing to constantly put in and remove your dentures. It’s a great option for a fix against missing teeth in large amounts.
If you want a consultation from one of the Best Novi dentists on a dental crown, don’t be afraid to contact us today at 248-946-8142
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