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How Can A Crown Save Your Smile?

A smile does a lot more than just let others know that you are happy. That’s why you need to care of your smile by taking care of your teeth. Adequate oral care for your teeth will ensure that they will last a lifetime. Sometimes, despite of regular brushing and flossing, a tooth might become cracked or chipped due to injury or decay.

A damaged or chipped tooth affects the appearance of your smile and can be a threat to our oral health. Don’t put off treatment. Talk to your dentist about the possibility of a dental crown to make your tooth look like new again.

What is a Dental Crown?

A dental crown is cap that covers the entire tooth surface to restore the original size and shape of the tooth. The sole purpose of a dental crown is to strengthen the structure and protect the remaining interior anatomy of the tooth. Crowns are used in cases in which other restorative dental techniques like fillings, onlays and inlays are just too small.

What are Dental Crowns made of?

There are several materials that can be used to make crowns which include porcelain, gold and porcelain-fused-with–metal (PFM). The best material for dental crowns is porcelain as it resembles the natural color of your teeth and is highly durable, statistically lasting up to 20 to 25 years. Dental crowns are custom made as they need to match the size, shape, and color of your teeth to give you a natural and beautiful smile.

What are the Advantages of a Dental Crown?

If you have a cracked or damaged tooth that needs to be fixed and are wondering if a dental crown would be the best treatment option in your case, give Novi Family Dentistry a call at 313-3770-1321 to set up an appointment, or drop by our office at 23975 Novi Rd Suite 102, Novi. We are committed to making sure that all your family members have a happy – and healthy – smile.

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