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Is It Difficult Getting Used to Dentures?

Is It Difficult Getting Used to Dentures?

More than 42 million Americans wear dentures to replace their missing teeth and restore their smile and confidence. Made of lightweight, durable materials, today’s dentures are more comfortable than ever before.

While dentures are popular, effective, and time-tested, they do take some getting used to. Fortunately, the adjustment period is fairly fast, especially if you know a few key tips to help you feel comfortable and at ease with your new dentures.

At Novi Family Dentistry in Novi, Michigan, Abir Faraj, DDS, offers state-of-the-art dentures using the most advanced materials for greater comfort, security, and function. Here, learn what to expect when you first receive your dentures, along with tips to help you adjust as quickly as possible.

What to expect with dentures

Dr. Faraj and our team offer both partial and full dentures. Partial dentures are used to replace some of your teeth, while full dentures replace all your upper teeth or all your lower teeth. Many patients have full dentures for both upper and lower teeth, replacing all their natural teeth.

While some patients have already lost the teeth they’re replacing with dentures, others need to have damaged teeth removed. Dr. Faraj can remove those teeth and fit you with a denture the same day, so you don’t have to worry about dealing with missing teeth while a permanent denture is made. 

Once your teeth are removed, it’s normal to have some swelling while the area heals. Once the swelling subsides, your permanent denture is fitted and adjusted so it’s secure and comfortable.

Getting used to your dentures

Dentures rest on top of your gums, and not surprisingly, it can take some practice (and time) to get used to the new pressure sensations on your gum tissue. When you first receive your dentures, they may feel awkward or foreign, and you might encounter some initial changes in how you eat and speak. Fortunately, these adjustment tips can help.

Practice speaking

Many people are worried their speech will sound different — and initially, you may have a little trouble pronouncing some letter combinations. Reading out loud is a great way to get used to speaking with your dentures in place. Read any chance you get and use a mirror if you want to confirm you look “normal” when talking. The more you practice speaking, the more confident you’ll feel when conversing with others.

Try a variety of foods

When you first get your dentures, you’ll want to stick with soft foods while your gums heal. But it’s important to add foods over time to get used to how your dentures feel when you bite and chew. Practicing eating a variety of foods at home helps you feel more confident when eating meals with friends and family in public settings.

Wear your dentures as directed

While it may be tempting to wear your dentures for a longer period of time to get used to them faster or to leave them out for most of the day, neither is a good practice. Instead, you should wear your dentures exactly as Dr. Faraj advises to support normal healing and a quicker adjustment period.

Use denture adhesives

Dentures are designed to fit securely, hugging the contours of your gums and palate so they stay in place naturally. If you’re worried about slippage, especially as you get used to how your dentures feel, try using a little denture adhesive for added security. 

Care for your dentures regularly

Dentures may not be real teeth, but that doesn’t mean they don’t need to be cared for. Regular, twice-daily brushing keeps plaque and germs at bay, freshens your breath, and prevents gum problems. 

Use a soft-bristled brush and a nonabrasive toothpaste to thoroughly clean your dentures, and store them in their container (with water) overnight. Add a denture tablet or a little mouthwash to the water inside the container for added freshness.

Seek help for fit issues

Your dentures might feel a little awkward at first, but they shouldn’t be painful or loose. If your dentures are slipping or causing sore spots or pressure points, call our office right away so we can make an adjustment. Ignoring problems with fit could lead to infections or other problems.

Be patient

While your dentures may feel odd during the first few days or weeks of wear, remember: Millions of people wear dentures every day, speaking and eating just like they did with their natural teeth. Give yourself some time and before you know it, you’ll hardly know you’re wearing them.

Don’t let one or more missing teeth take a toll on your quality of life or your confidence. To learn more about dentures and how they can help restore your smile, call 313-646-7903 or book an appointment online at Novi Family Dentistry today.

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