Now accepting Michigan Medicaid patient appointments. Schedule a visit.

Restorative Dentistry – Novi Family Dentistry

Have you been putting off restorative dental procedures because you don’t know where to turn? Do you feel a little in the dark when you hear phrases like dental implantsveneers, or root canals? Novi Dentistry is here to help as the leading family dentistry service in Novi, MI. Dr. Abir Faraj is a renowned graduate of the University of Detroit’s Mercy Dental School and here to ease your worries.

Veneers at Novi

Novi’s veneer procedure seeks to offer solutions to less severe, aesthetic dental help. We offer both porcelain and composite resin veneers to serve as a protective and repairing shell for chipped or damaged teeth.The process will be different for everyone and a consultation with Dr. Faraj will ensure you get the best procedure that works for you.

Root Canals at Novi

There is probably no term in dentistry that causes more panic in patients than the mention of a root canal. They are an unfortunate part of dentistry but they don’t need to be scary. When bacteria finds its way into the pulp of a tooth and the root begins to decay, it’s time to step in with a dental procedure. Dr. Faraj’s root canal procedures are effective and as comfortable as possible.

Dental Implants at Novi

When an adult tooth finds itself missing, whether it’s been knocked out or needed to be removed, you’ll want good dental implant options. Implants involve two separate portions: the implant itself which acts as an inorganic root and the crown which serves as the cosmetic, fake tooth to fill in the gap. Losing a tooth can be detrimental to your jawbone or to cosmetic issues in your smile. If you think you’re in need of a dental implant, don’t hesitate to contact Dr. Faraj!

Contact us today to make an appointment begin your restorative dentistry journey (248) 946-8142

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