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Should You Drink Your Coffee Hot Or Cold?

Summers are here and everyone’s wondering “Should I drink my coffee hot or cold?”. This actually takes second place to issues like world hunger and world peace, and coffee drinkers truly understand its significance. Before you all start tearing down walls on this debate, we urge you to give us an opportunity to give you our two cents on the matter.

Coffee Hot Or Cold?

For us, choosing cold over hot coffee is primarily due to health reasons. Ladies and gentlemen, prepare to get blown away: your friends who sipped cold coffee through those cold winters might actually be right here and Dr Abir Faraj can support that theory.

What Does Cold Coffee Mean?

Cold coffee is made through a variety of methods, the most basic one being where you make hot coffee the regular way and let it cool off before adding ice. The second one doesn’t involve cold-brewing, which means that the coffee is never boiled. You let it cool with the water for several hours.

Why is Cold-Brew Better?

When you heat coffee beans, a certain acidic oil is released. The acidic level in cold-brew coffee is about one-third of hot coffee. Therefore, we think it’s rather obvious that drinking cold coffee is healthier. Cold coffee is more alkaline and our body functions well in an alkaline state rather than an acidic state. It also lets our digestive systems work more efficiently.

When you drink hot coffee, your stomach doesn’t like it as much as when you drink cold-brewed coffee. Coffee not only keeps you up, but offers a host of other benefits. These, however, are lost once the coffee is heated.

What Tastes Better?

By now we’ve established that the acids in hot coffee are harmful to your stomach. In addition, they can have an adverse effect on your oral health as well But how does the tongue feel about all this? After all, the bitter taste in hot coffee is not something everybody enjoys, thanks to the presence of certain acids and oils.

Dr Abir agrees that at higher temperatures, the oil is released from coffee beans, which can oxidize more quickly causing the sour taste. Chlorogenic acid degrades into caffeic and quinic acid, giving the coffee an overall bitter taste.

Cold coffee to the rescue: the bitterness is absent because the acids are absent. Scientifically speaking, it’s simply sweeter. By now you must be disappointed in yourself waiting for summers to arrive just to ask this question, right? There there…

What’s Easier To Make?

I know, we’re all really busy people and too busy to make our favorite cup of coffee. While cold-brewing might sound like a mini-polar adventure, it’s actually easier to make. Everyday when I sleep, I make sure my morning food and drink is planned out ahead of time, because my brain doesn’t work very well in the morning, you see? You can just simply put your favourite coffee mixture, pour it in a bowl and let it be for the night. Wake up, pour ice over it and voila! You’re now a cold-brewing coffee expert.

There you have it. We hope this answers all your questions. At the end of the day, it all comes down to your preference, but if you’re looking to live healthier, you should make the transition today.

If you still have any queries regarding the temperature of your coffee, feel free to contact us at (248) 946-8611 and have all your queries resolved instantly by one of the best dentists in whole of Michigan!

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