Now accepting Michigan Medicaid patient appointments. Schedule a visit.

What To Look For In A Top Local Dentist

We all want to the best dental care for ourselves and our family. But, what does that really mean? Does that solely mean you want to find someone who cleans teeth really well or are you looking for more?

Hopefully you’re looking for more as you search for a Local Dentist in Novi MI. Here are some questions you should ask before you sit in a dentist’s chair for the first time.

Do you have flexible hours?

Let’s face it; the days of a normal 9-5 job no longer exist. People work all types of hours and shifts. That’s why it’s important to find a dentist who has flexible hours. When you’re looking for a dentist in Novi, Michigan, Novi Family Dentistry is open late on Wednesdays and early three days of the week to accommodate patients’ schedules. We know it’s not always possible to take time off of work for a doctor’s appointment.

What is your educational background?

You not only want to find a dentist who can handle routine dental care, but you want a dentist who has experience in a variety of other dental procedures. You also want to find local dentist in Novi, Michigan who is aware of the latest dental procedures. Those who continue their education through seminars and workshops can keep up to date on various procedures and techniques. More advanced techniques are less painful and faster, two things many people look for when it comes to dental procedures.

What types of reviews do you have?

Be proactive and look at the types of reviews a dentist has. If there are positive reviews, they shouldn’t be too hard to find. Many dentists will provide testimonials from satisfied patients on their website. You can also find these online along with negative reviews. If you can’t find reviews and a dentist doesn’t want to share, that should raise a red flag that he may be trying to hide something.

When you are looking for a local dentist in Novi, Michigan, Novi Family Dentistry can answer all of these questions and more.

Contact us!

If you need a dentist in Novi, Michigan, contact Novi Family Dentistry. Schedule an appointment to find out about all of the services we offer. Call us at 248-946-8611 or request an appointment online. Our office is located at 23975 Novi Road, Suite 102 in Novi, Michigan. We look forward to meeting you soon!

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