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Why You Shouldn't Ignore a Cracked or Missing Crown

Why You Shouldn't Ignore a Cracked or Missing Crown

Dental crowns can be used for many purposes, from supporting a weak tooth to supporting a bridge. But no matter the reason, if you have a crown, it’s important that it stays in good condition. 

Sometimes, though, a crown can crack, break, or slip out of place, leaving the underlying tooth exposed. If this happens, it’s crucial that it be repaired, because not doing so could lead to decay, infections, and other problems.

At Novi Family Dentistry in Novi, Michigan, Abir Faraj, DDS, and her team are experts in placing and restoring crowns. In this blog, Dr. Faraj explains why you should never ignore a damaged or missing crown.

Dental crowns and oral health

A dental crown is a durable, tooth-colored covering designed to surround the entire visible part of a tooth. Crowns are custom-made and carefully fitted to make sure they’re comfortable and blend well with your other teeth.

Crowns are real “workhorses” when it comes to dental treatment, because they’re used in so many ways. Crowns can cover teeth that have large fillings or are too deeply stained to respond to whitening treatments.

Crowns can also be used to support teeth that are cracked or broken or that have had root canals. Finally, crowns can be used to strengthen teeth that are supporting dental bridges.

How crowns get damaged

Crowns are made from very strong materials that are designed to withstand all of the pressures and stresses of biting and chewing. Still, they’re not intended to last forever, and, at some point, you may need to have a crown replaced.

Some of the most common causes of crown damage include:

Typically, older crowns are more susceptible to damage. The good news is, most damaged or missing crowns can be replaced in just a couple of office visits. The key is getting a missing or damaged crown replaced as soon as possible.

Why prompt repair is critical

Because a crown surrounds the entire tooth, it needs a little space to allow it to fit and to prevent crowding or the displacing of neighboring teeth. That means that before a crown is applied, the tooth needs to be prepared by removing some of the outer tooth material.

When a crown is intact and undamaged, it protects the underlying tooth, providing a strong barrier against germs that can cause tooth decay and deep infections. But, if a crown is cracked or completely lost, that underlying tooth is exposed to bacteria that can quickly damage not just the tooth, but the supporting gums and bone, too.

Aside from possible germ contamination, a cracked or missing crown can expose parts of the tooth nerve, which could leave you with significant pain and extreme sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures. Finally, the jagged edge of the underlying tooth could lead to irritation and cuts on your lips and tongue.

Don’t ignore a damaged crown

Dr. Faraj uses advanced techniques to quickly repair damaged crowns, so you can continue to enjoy a beautiful, healthy smile. To learn more about crown repair, call 248-418-4542 or book an appointment online with Novi Family Dentistry today.

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